Friday, January 13, 2012

Before the Rejection Communication

Enterprising to get this out of the way, while the writer is still hopeful.  I like cake and trains.
Dear [Writer's Name]:
Caketrain has received your submission for Issue 10 (slated for publication in 2012) and will respond in the months to come; today, we write to let you know how grateful and heartened we are to be chosen as a potential home for your work. The greatest privilege of assuming our modest role in the publishing world has always been the opportunity to read the unpublished works of talents from around the world, and with that in mind, we want you to know that we are honored by your interest in our publication.
We are also writing to tell you that the just-released Caketrain Issue 09 is now available for order at Below, we've provided a few quick reasons why we hope you'll purchase this title.
1. Your patronage helps to support and secure the longevity of Caketrain.
We at Caketrain do not solicit donations, nor is our operation financed by grants or endowments, nor are we the affiliate of any educational institution or larger arts initiative. This means that the only way we can keep the project going is to sell as many books as we can to readers and writers like you. And $9—with free shipping in the U.S.—is a steal for what we offer. Which leads us to the other point—
2. You'll get a great book in the mail.
Featuring 274 pages of fine work from over thirty contributors and bound with gorgeous cover art by illustrator Michael Paukner, Issue 09 is full of the challenging, exciting work you've come to expect from Caketrain. Contributors for this outing include Daniel Grandbois, Joe Hall, Chad Hardy, Kate Rutledge Jaffe, Michael Kimball, Alec Niedenthal, Kathryn Rantala, Joanna Ruocco and many more.
To find out more—and to read over 40 pages of samples from Issue 09—please visit, and when you're ready to place an order, you'll find a number of different options available. We like to think that this is a proposition that will benefit both of us: you'll get great new literature in the mail at a reasonable price, and you'll help Caketrain to continue, so that we can retain the privilege of reading and considering the work of writers like you
With ceaseless gratitude, we remain
Yours sincerely,
Amanda and Joseph


  1. I think Cakewreck might be a better title. "Buy our rag so we can read your offerings (while eating cake) so we can afford to reject you). Nice!
