Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Someone's Having a Good New Year

This anony-mouse has been diligently sending out submissions and receiving rejections and sending them kindly to me all year. Check out the date of this acceptance. Way to have a good New Year! Such fun to post an acceptance once in a while! Let's congratulate the hard work and stick-to-it-ness of this fine writing friend of ours:

From: Raleigh Review Fiction
Date: December 30, 2011
Subject: Your submission to the raleigh review

Dear [Name Redacted]: Thank you for submitting to TRR. We read and really enjoyed "Title" and would like to feature it in our magazine. If the work is still available for publication please sign the contract attached to this mail and return it to us. Also, kindly send us an electronic version of the story attached to this email address. We look forward to hearing from you. Best, Smriti

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