Thursday, January 1, 2009

What's Up For You in 2009? (******Plus Links to 2008 LROD Highlights******)

Above is what The Onion has on its 2009 Resolution Hit List.  How about you?  What are your writerly resolutions for the coming year?  More acceptances, fewer rejections, muscular thighs? A pledge to send all your rejections for posting at LROD? Mine are as follows: 1) resolve all internal conflict about successfully publishing my novel this year, 2) roll as best as I can with all external conflicts that inevitably come up to foil me in the publishing industry, 3) remember that I am a powerful writer, and that I have something important to say, 4) become more patient and remember that it takes as long as it takes, 5) But still strive to have a publishing contract by December 31, 2009.

p.s. This is not to say that I'd turn my nose up at muscular thighs.


  1. 1. Stop reading LROD.
    2. Water my plants more often.

  2. Interesting about internal conflict. This blog is all about the external conflict, but in my experience, the ex is peanuts compared to the in. But the ex is much funnier.

    My New Year's resolution is to write every day. Blogging doesn't count.

  3. 1. Stop dicking around and get published.

  4. My resolution:
    This year at least twenty percent of the fiction I publish will be by writers who have not attended nor taught in MFA programs, people completely unknown to me.

  5. I'm with rmellis: Write fiction every day.

  6. I'll top that, 100% of the fiction I publish will be that of LROD anonymice.

  7. 1) Get a job where I _can_ write everyday.
