Also from poet
Debbie Yee's website is this beauty. It says:
"Sorry we didn't find anything here, but your work did receive additional consideration." I hope she didn't try them again. It's unclear, but I believe this one is also from
The Normal School. Maybe Debbie will come around and clarify. Maybe her submission envelope was mysteriously empty and that's why the editors didn't find anything. What else, one wonders, could explain such a freakish response?
Really, it should be written, "sorry we couldn't find anything here." There's no doubt something there. And if they're going to take the time to write a note, could they explain what they were looking for?
I've received a couple along those lines recently, but from a different zines/journals/mags.
Maybe "didn't find anything there" is the new alas.
The hiccups rejection was the slip I received and the back of the slip had this note. It's the same rejection. The sticker that came with it, though, pretty much made up for any sore feelings I may have had. I must be simple-minded. The good news is that, while these editors found nothing, one of the poems in the batch was later accepted by Bateau (http://www.bateaupress.org), which is a beautiful pub with letterpress covers. Way, way cooler than a sticker. Despite the rejection from TNS, I have just purchased a subscription. I've come across a few good reviews of it. And I imagine the editors must be trying damn hard to eek out a literary existence in Fresno and the Central Valley (of California).
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