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Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Published A Teensy Piece about Long COVID Clinical Trial

So, this happened. (I'd link to the actual news magazine, but they are subscription only, which is a little bit of a bummer.) Anyway, I posted the link on FB and my "friends" were all like, "Poor you. So sorry. This is terrible." But you know what? All I wanted anyone to say was, "Hey, you wrote a piece of science journalism and got it published in New Scientist Magazine. Good for you."  

Somehow, I always have hard topics that illicit more compassion than I have for myself. Is that weird? Do you have that experience? Remember this one? I was so excited by the fact of the publishing and had no idea that there would be an avalanche of emails with very sad people sharing their disinheritance stories. I walked around in my sweat pants for days (and this, people, was pre-pandemic when sweatpants meant something). 

Anyway, I don't think I have any more books in me, save for the ones that are hanging around waiting to be published, so I thought I'd give journalism a try.

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