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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Sour Grapes of Wrath

Wow! An anonymous reader posted the following searing comment on my blog today: "Two words for you, my friend--sour grapes. Aren't you just a little embarressed to put these up on your blog, removing your info (how convenient) but not the agent/editors?With your poor me attitude, if I were an agent, I wouldn't touch yo with a ten foot barge pole. Grow up--you make other writers look bad. Getting published is hard. Whining, I guess, is easy." I haven't been told off like this in a long time. Probably ever. I say: Get a sense of humor, friend. Unless you work in publishing, and then I say, Please get a sense of humor.


Victoria Masters said...
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Victoria Masters said...

mmmm- my advice to the complain-y-poo is to avoid scary individual types of blogs... maybe the person wants to read more stuff about picking out the best Ugg boots or what your favorite names are for kittens...

Don't like the blog- stop reading the blog. Really, not THAT hard...

(and I deleted it after see some REALLY bad spelling issue I have- but reposted after a run through the spill chucker)

Anonymous said...

I think the sour grapes came from a disgruntled agent.


Writer, Rejected said...

Nah. I think agents are pretty busy people who wouldn't bother to respond, even anonymously.

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

I'd be a little "embarrassed" by my spelling.

The Quoibler said...

I say "Congratulations to You, Writer, Rejected"... after all, isn't it a positive sign when you stir up a little controversy?

Why shouldn't you talk about your rejections? Heck, we all have them! They aren't anything to be ashamed of.

Just the mere fact that you have this many rejection notes and letters to publish on your site implies you regularly send out queries, which is what every serious writer should do.

So... BRAVO!

Keep entertaining us with this fun blog--it's a hoot to read because all of us crazy freelancers have been there!


Writer, Rejected said...

Thanks for the encouragement, Angelique. You are very sweet.

Anonymous said...

Yes! It is bad spelling that gives a writer a bad name, not courage to point out problems in a messed up industry! I concur with Quoibler. BRAVA!!!!